
Shot for the second month of Saunak Shah’s year-long 12-part series called “Wholeness: A Magical Journey.” The series started in January 2023. Each month features a different photographer responsible for capturing the essence of the project. The series focuses on a single dominant color each month which is based on Saunak’s overall sentiment of the month as an artist. The sentiment is based on events, emotions, and causes that fuel his creative expression. By piecing together and breaking apart his bicultural identity, the concept uses ritual, styling, and symbolism to convey the story.

The color for the following month was Grey, and the theme was Inner Growth.

Concept and Direction: Saunak Shah
Photogrpahers : Dilpreet Shah & Jenna Anderson
Styling: Nikita Shah
HMUA : Sanjana Bhandari
DP: Swapnil Junajre
Editor (video): Nishant Mukesh
Studio: Studio Casa, Brooklyn